Saturday, November 15, 2008

IHS Playoff Game

Philippians 4:11
...for I have learned to be content
whatever the circumstances.

These pictures were taken after our playoff game against Wylie. Even though we did not win the game, it was a great opportunity for our team to play in Texas Stadium.
And if Luke's attitude was measured by touchdowns, we would win state! He teaches me to be content.
Luke is wearing is 'mohawk' did several
football players and his friends on Tiger Guard.
Mark, Keith and my cousin Gary were at the game as
well as several faithful friends who continually support
the tigers.(Thanks for being there!!!)
One last comment...after the Mac game, Mike did get voted as Coach of the Week by Inside High School Football. Yea!
(Does this make me wife of the week?)


  1. so proud of mike and luke, and you wife of the week!

  2. Great pics you must have had a professional photographer. I had a great time getting to see you all again and thank you so much for the ticket to the game and for allowing me to be able to go down on the field with you all. Congratulations Mike on being coach and the week and Cheri on being wife of the week. You have a wonderful family and I still want to invite you all to come to Missouri next summer so we can hang out at the lake. Thanks also for taking me back to my hotel Cheri which also makes you cousin of the week as well.

    Love you all.

  3. Great Blog....thanks for letting Gary come to the game and go on the field...actually we are all a little sick of hearing about it....thanks a lot....we need to plan a big ole family party soon!!

  4. What a cool blog and I'm so impressed that Bryan was on your site. I love all your pictures of your family! What a beautiful family! I'm so happy for you getting to go to state and to Mike for getting coach of the week! And, we know behind every good man is an even better wife!
