Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blogging is great!!! I am one that has good intentions of journaling...especially ever January 1st, but usually fall short of this goal after 2 or 3 entries. It is much more fun to write random thoughts or what's on my heart when I can add pics, etc....
Gram (my husband's grandmother) use to write every day in a spiral. It was usually just a couple of sentences telling who came to visit...or talking about who was at their birthday club...or who won the 42 game. But, I always loved the fact that she would take the time to write what was going on in Bugtussle, what had happened in her life that day. And all of us, her family, are mentioned in her journal several times.
Not long ago, I remembered a sweet memory from my childhood that I will write about one day...but I was so worried that I would forget that I quickly jotted it down in one of the many journals that I had started.
Thanks to Annalee and all of her fun writings...and introducing me to blogging...I'm in the club! It is actually becoming one of my new obsessions.
I don't have the advantage that Annalee and her friends have writing about their children from birth through every stage of their growing years, mine are grown or almost (junior in college, junior in high school, and 8th grader in middle school.)
So many of my thoughts will be random...a sweet memory.
Recently some picture cd's were returned to me that I had been missing. I was so excited to get these back because it was a mission trip to Mexico that Kacie and I had gotten to take together. Most all of my friends and family know how much I love this trip...and it was always something I wanted to share with my kids. Many obstacles kept Kacie from going until 2006, when she graduated from high school.
I will share a few pics from this trip, but want is always amazing is God's perfect timing... how he puts us in situations that allow us to shine for His glory...and that he gives us opportunities to make a difference in not only someone else's life but our own. God used Kacie this week to connect with the kids ---her spanish, her enthusiasm, her energy, her incredible attitude and her willingness to serve! For one week in Torreon and San Pedro, it wasn't about Kacie, but about the people there...the children in the orphanage...helping to build the church in San Pedro...and many other incredible moments. Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet memory indeed! gram is one of my inspirations for blogging too!
